Dec 21, 2014

| Check mon rack!...

Since we need to keep enough space inside the van to sleep i finally assembled the North Shore Racks NSR-2 which arrived 2 weeks ago. It wasn't that easy (make sure to read the assembly note thoroughly), especially the hitch part but it is now ready for our trip and works perfectly with the ICT.
I'm glad that i mounted the rack on the middle holes of the hitch bar and not the most forward ones as indicated, a van has a very straight rear body and the Surly has larger tires than regular mountain bikes, so it needs more clearance. This rack is awesome and very solid... meaning very heavy too. The ergonomics is really well thought out, very simple and easy to use, the only detail that you may want to improve is the middle pin, it needs to be covered in order to protect your bottom-bracket paint. Usually the mountain bike's BB are narrower but the fat bike ones come very close to the main tube and may touch the pin. The rest works like a charm, not surprising that NSR has such a good reputation (great service too). Note that it's also made in B.CCanada ;-)
simple design, efficient and functional!
P.S: We have recently started a fat bike Quebec G+ group so please come join us!

Dec 18, 2014

| Auvent en emporte le temps...

Le van est maintenant equipe d'un auvent lateral tout neuf et ca va nous etre fortement utile pendant les prochaines vacances... dans les Keys (Florida)! c'est un peu le chaos en ce moment entre l'image que je dois finir pour le prochain bouquin Nuthin but Mech 3 et les preparatifs du road-trip. J'ai 2 milliards de trucs a faire et si peu de temps, je sens que nous allons partir avec un manque de sommeil evident.
L'equipe de New-West a ete encore une fois formidable pour mettre en place cet auvent (de type ShadyBoy) rapidement mais surtout pour changer notre batterie auxiliaire reliee au panneau solaire, l'originale vient de rendre l'ame et c'etait un peu difficile d'envisager partir en camping sans electricite. Almost ready!

Dec 14, 2014

| Ice Cream Truck...

Yesterday we drove back to Burlington to get my bike. Harris at Old Spokes had just finished working on a few modifications i asked for and it was worth the wait :) The now 1x10 drivetrain has been improved with a sturdy Race Face Turbine crankset and a new single chainring narrow/wide 30T. We added some 45NRTH pedals and the tires are now mounted tubeless. I'm pretty excited about this setup and i'll write a review of the bike soon enough. Thank you guys for the business and outstanding service!
simple is better!
We then parked in downtown for some food and sightseeing, it was humid and cold (reminded me of UK's horrible winter) but it is a pretty little town and we'll certainly come back in summer to visit more of the lake and the surroundings... and of course to get some of the renowned local (and real) ice creams.
Except for a little incident before leaving (hmm yes i may have locked ourselves out of the van, thanks CAA for saving us), it was a fun day and there is a new shiny member in my sport quiver!

Dec 11, 2014

| Marde blanche...

Et c'est reparti... ca fait 2 jours qu'il neige non-stop et ce n'est pas fini. Ca nous a pris une heure pour deneiger le camion hier soir, juste pour changer de trottoir! je ne suis pas du tout dans le trip hiver encore et c'est plutot rare a cette periode de l'annee ou mon esprit est souvent omnibule par le snowskate. J'ai hate d'aller chercher mon fat-bike ce WE et de partir au soleil pour Noel.
Les chats s'amusent bien et grandissent super vite, Banh Mi connait ses 1eres chaleurs et de fait se frotte partout, on attend que ca passe et apres hop c'est l'operation! Quant a sa Majeste Dim Sum le petit Prince, il commence a avoir (enfin) un peu plus de poils sur le dos et parle tout le temps. Bon, au moins il vient se blottir contre nous a la moindre occasion et reste tres calin, c'est cute!
le Prince Relou!

| Snowskate quiver...

This winter has already broken all the records in terms of cold, snowfall and ice storms, thank you  El Niño ! We have been snowskating quit...